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Pick a Team

Team Fordham wins the Partriot League, 11/17/07.

The ’09 to ’10 jump has been a time of teams. If you have teenage girls in the house then late this fall it was Team Edward or Team Jacob. Apparently, Team Jacob ruled the roost but considering that I couldn’t even make it through the first movie, it was well off of my radar.

Lately, in the press it’s been a battle between Team Jay and Team Conan, pushing Team Tiger vs. Team Common Sense out of the news. None of this, of course, matters in the scheme of things. Looking at world events in the past week there is one team everyone should be on – Team Haiti.

Fortunately, there are many ways to help and be a part of Team Haiti. These are but a few:

American Red Cross or text “HAITI” on your cel phone to donate $10. You can also donate to the ARC in Apple’s iTunes store.

Yele Haiti – Musician Wyclef Jean’s Foundation, or text “YELE” to donate $5 via your cel phone.

American Jewish World Service – AJWS provides support to native NGO’s. They have long-standing partnerships with grassroots organizations in Haiti.

Clinton Bush Haiti Fund – formed at the request of President Obama and led by past-Presidents Clinton and Bush.

Community Coalition for Haiti – a faith based NGO, based in Virginia, which has been working in Haiti providing medical care and building schools for many years. My friend, Cameron Davidson, is on their board. For more information Cameron has posted a few recent entries on his blog.