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Getting Gehry with It

It’s been an odd fall.  The election, the economy, the weather. The leaves disappeared inside of a week and the temperatures dropped to the 20’s and 30’s skipping over the 40’s and 50’s.  Much of my work was wrapped up in longer projects involving lots of retouching and computer prep or portrait assignments that are embargoed and won’t see the light of day until first published.  Well, today, one of the larger assignments came to fruition, my work photographing Frank Gehry’s newest building – Lewis Library at Princeton University.

I had posted a few images on the blog previously, here and here, but now I can let ’em rip.  A few images follow and You can find more on my website.

Lewis Library as seen through Richard Serra's "The Hedgehog and the Fox"
Lewis Library as seen through Richard Serra’s “The Hedgehog and the Fox”
Southeast Elevation
Southeast Elevation
North Elevation, Main Entrance
North Elevation, Main Entrance


  1. Mr. Personality

    Way to go Jon! Sweet and graphic images. Good for you. I like these!

  2. Thanks – this job was my top priority Sept. & Oct between the shooting and the retouching.
    I got to meet Frank yesterday at the building’s dedication. Pretty cool. I was just in front of him, photographing him, as he looked through the program showing Peter Lewis (the donor, Progressive Ins. Chairman) his favorite shots. I also got word that he loved the print given to him. It was a variation of this image: . Peter Lewis also got a Blurb book based on my images.

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