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iPhone Apps (2) – MyWeather Mobile

Back in July when I wrote about MyWeather Mobile I said, “In a future update I’d like to see the ‘Trend’ forecast expanded from twelve hours to twenty-four or thirty-six hours – with that change this app would be perfect.”  MyWeather Mobile has done just that in version 1.1 adding thirty-six hour trend data into a full screen window.  They’ve also added detailed current conditions to the mix.

This is a very handy app for planning weather related assignments and for getting current weather information while on location.

Current Conditions detail:


36-Hour Trend:

Selecting a time will give you an icon showing conditions:
sunny, partly cloudy, cloudy, rain, etc.

As is often the case I’ve thought of one more thing that could be added – sunrise and sunset times.  MyWeather Mobile are you listening?…